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What is asbestos?It is a naturally occurring mineral which has a structure of long fibers. It is a superb insulator, fireproof and has the tensile strength of steel of the same diameter. Long before the adverse health effects were known, these traits made asbestos a desirable material additive.
What materials contain asbestos?Asbestos was widely used in the composition of building materials from the late 1800’s up to the mid 1970’s. It was used in such common materials as Plaster, Floor Tile, Linoleum, Caulks, Pipe Insulation, Wrapping on Duct Work, Electrical Wiring, Vermiculite, Glues and Cement Board Siding. Although its use has greatly diminished, asbestos is still used is some products to this day
How does asbestos get into the air?During renovation and demolition projects in buildings it is quite possible to disturb the asbestos within these materials and inadvertently release the asbestos fibers into the air within the building for the occupants to breathe. Once breathed in, asbestos can cause irreversible tissue scarring and cancers.
What are the risks of asbestos?Asbestos in homes generally does not pose a risk unless the material has become damaged, allowing fibers into the air. Asbestos breathed into the lungs can become lodged into the alveoli (air sacks) and scar tissue will form. The scar tissue prevents the lungs from replenishing the blood with oxygen. Lung cancer is also linked to asbestos exposure. It takes 10-40 years before asbestos related diseases become apparent.
Why get an inspection?An inspection will provide valuable information to deal with any materials containing asbestos, and provide you the peace of mind regarding this dangerous material.
What can be done if Asbestos is found?Every problem has a solution. Similar to radon and lead based paint, asbestos can pose a risk and it is also correctable. There are Friable and Non-Friable materials containing asbestos. Friable means “may be reduced or crushed with hand pressure”. Friable asbestos materials pose a greater likelihood of being damaged and fibers released into the air. If the asbestos is in good sound condition, leave it alone. Most buildings built between 1920 and 1970 will have some asbestos in it. An inspection and evaluation of common asbestos materials can reveal what materials contain asbestos and what risks and corrective actions can be taken, if necessary. If asbestos has been disturbed, air samples can show if fibers are in the air above the EPA recommended level.
I want to renovate my house, should I get an inspection?Asbestos materials should be recognized prior to their disturbance. Damaged asbestos materials or material which are planned on being impacted should be encapsulated, enclosed or removed. An evaluation can help you decide on the best course of action.
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